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Posted on Jun 3, 2014 in Conference | 0 comments

Future Directions and Funding Priorities for HIV and Technology-Based Research at NIDA and NIMH

Susannah M. Allison, PhD1, Jacqueline Lloyd, PhD, MSW2

1Program Officer, Division of AIDS Research, National Institute of Mental Health, NIH; 2Deputy Branch Chief, Prevention Research Branch, National Institute on Drug Abuse

Journal MTM 3:1S:10, 2014

DOI: 10.7309/jmtm.3.1S.8


Technology-based HIV research has expanded dramatically over the past decade. Technology allows for greater reach, anonymity, tailoring, dissemination and implementation of interventions and services in diverse contexts and settings. Technology also allows for the efficient collection of data in real time, collection across multiple random timepoints, and collection of social network interaction data. While technology presents opportunities, there also are a number of challenges to address as well as investigate through research (e.g. ethics, data security and confidentiality, costs, keeping ahead of changing technology). The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) have a history of supporting technology-based HIV research and have continued interest in funding research that integrates and takes advantage of innovative and emerging technologies. Both NIMH and NIDA have a number of current funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) and initiatives to harness the power of technology to prevent HIV, provide HIV care and services, and improve the health outcomes of those living with HIV