Volume 4 Issue 3
The Editorial Board at the Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine is proud to present Volume 4, Issue 3. Mobile technology in Medicine is a rapidly developing area, and we hope to continue accelerating research in the field. We look forward to your submissions for Issue 4.
001 Virtual Environments in Modern Medicine
Chakrabarti, R., Perera, C.
Original Articles
002 Mobile Phone Use and Perspectives on Tailored Texting in Adults with Diabetes
Gatwood, J., Balkrishnan, R., Erickson, S.R., An, L.C., Piette, J.D., Farris, K.B.
013 Cell phone access among persons who inject drugs in Tijuana, BC, Mexico
Collins, K.M., Abramovitz, D., Meacham, M.C. Gonzalez-Zuniga, P.E., Patrick, K. Garfein, R.S.
020 Rest – An Innovative Rapid Eye Screening Test
Jan-Bond, C., Wee-Min, T. Hong-Kee, N., Zu-Quan, I., Khairy-Shamel, S.-T., Zunaina, E., Liza-Sharmini, A.-T.
Perspective Piece
026 The Potential Value of Virtual Environments (VEs) in Rehabilitation
Lehman, L.A.
032 Mobile Solutions For Physicians Shackled by Electronic Medical Records
Koll, J., Hansen G.
Case Reports
035 Mobile Virtual Reality for Ophthalmic Image Display and Diagnosis
Zheng, L.L., He, L., Yu, C.Q.
039 Android Smartphone as an Alternative to Operating Microscope Camera for Recording High Definition Surgical Videos: Setup and Results
S.K. Gupta, A. Kumar, A. Sharma, S. Agrawal, V. Katiyar
In keeping with our open-access principles, all articles are published both as full text and as PDF files for download. For your convenience, attached to this post is a PDF file containing the complete Volume 4, Issue 3, which can be easily downloaded and saved for viewing offline.
We look forward to hearing from readers in the comments section, and encourage authors to submit research to be considered for publication in this peer-reviewed medical journal.
Yours Sincerely,
Editorial Board
Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine