Volume 3, Issue 1S
The Editorial Board at the Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine is proud to present Volume 3, Issue 1S, published in June 2014. As media partners of UCLA’s Innaovative use of Technology for HIV prevention and Care Conference, Journal MTM is proud to present a special edition of the Journal presenting all the conference abstracts. We look forward to your article submissions.
Volume 3, Issue 1S Contents – UCLA Innovative Use of Technology for HIV Prevention and Care Conference
001 Innovative Use of Technology for HIV Prevention and Care: Evidence, Challenges and the Way Forward
Young, S., Chiu, J.
Miller, L. C., Christensen, J. L., Appleby, Read, S. J., Marsella, S., Corsbie-Massay, C., Godoy, C., Si, M., Anderson, J., Jeong, D., Park, M.
Swendeman, D.
Holloway, I. W.
007 How Technology Reduces the Risk-Taking of Homeless Youth
Rice E.
Reback, C.
Farrell, K., Holloway, I. W.
010 Future Directions and Funding Priorities for HIV and Technology-Based Research at NIDA and NIMH
Allison, S. M., Lloyd, J.
We look forward to hearing from readers in the comments section, and encourage authors to submit research to be considered for publication in this peer-reviewed medical journal.
Yours Sincerely,
Editorial Board
Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine