An experience of the virtual desktop: a surgical perspective
Dr Pamela Boekel MBBS1
1Austin Hospital, Heidelberg, Australia
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Journal MTM 1:2:8-10, 2012
With the advent of mobile technology, the interface in which the clinician can view medical imaging and electronic records is more accessible than ever1Citrix. Making the iPad work for healthcare. In: Inc CS, editor. Fort Lauterdale, USA2010.. The Citrix Receiver™ provides a secure platform for clinicians to access a virtual desktop, linked to the hospital server, via their mobile tablet device or laptop computer. This technology was born out of the need for mobile offices dedicated for the clinician, and has since been adopted by medical professionals in many centres as a means for offsite access to hospital electronic medical records (EMR). With the nascent boom of health informatics and ‘tele-medicine’ due to the birth of mobile devices, we are continuously in the pursuit towards improving the efficacy and timeliness of healthcare delivery as well as ensuring patient safety. Citrix ReceiverTM is but one example and it is currently in use amongst the Orthopaedic registrars at the Austin Hospital in metropolitan Melbourne, Victoria.
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